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GEM-MicorEMACS 3.11a-beta3 (Apr 7 1992)
o It is possible to change the font in the current-screen.
Set $sres to <fontname>,<size>. (<fontname> and <size> must be seperated by a
o The initial-font can be set in the command-line using the --font switch. For
gemme --font 'monaco mono,10' test.c
sets the font to `Monaco Mono' with size 10 and loads the file test.c.
Please note that `monaco mono,10' must be quoted, because it contains a
space. Please note also that GDOS must be installed in order to set
alternative fonts.
This might be important because gemme calculates the maximal screen width/
height after the initial-font.
o It is now (since beta3) possible to set the maximal heigth and length
of each screen with the --geometry switch. For example:
gemme --geometry 80x25
starts gemme with a screen of 80 columns and 25 lines (if it is
possible to display them all).
o It is not possible to have a larger screen than at the beginning of a
session, e.g. if you switch to a smaller font it is not possible to have
a window which covers the full screen. Therefore I recommend to set the
font with the --font and/or the maximal width/heigth with the
--geometry switch as described above.
o It might be a good idea to define the following alias in your shell if
you have a large screen.
alias gemme="gemme.prg '-i$pagelen' 25 '-i$curwidth' 80"
This shrinks the screen after starting gemme to 80x25. The difference to
the --geometry-switch is the possibility in resizing the screen to the
initial (possibly larger) size.
o The window-size can be changed as described in the original documentation
(also using the mouse). See file mouse.doc (taken from the
documentation of MircroEMACS 3.10). The following additional features
are availible:
o A MS1-event is generated if you press both mouse-buttons (bound to
o A MS0-event is generated if you select the `About-GEM-MicroEMACS'-menu-title
(bound to about-MicroEMACS)
o the '-i$sres' command-line-switch is now replaced by the --font switch.
'-i$sres' now does exactly the same thing as it would if you
changed the $sres-variable with the set-command as first command.
o The redrawing-concept has changed. MicroEMACS should now redraw a screen only
when neccesary.
o The text-cursor should now always be at the right position.
o If running with accessories or under MultiTOS, MicroEMACS should now
interprets a click on one of its windows correctly.
o The redrawing is not as fast as possible.
o For each screen there is a new v_opnvwk()-call.
o There might still be some bugs in screen-redrawing.
o The type-ahead-feature of MicroEMACS is not yet working correctly with
See readme.st for other features and bugs.